Leibniz Psychology Contact
DataWizbeta Research data management made easy!

ATTENTION: This is a demo version of DataWiz2. It is not intended for productive use but only for demonstration purposes. If you plan to use DataWiz for your research, please use the original DataWiz until DataWiz2 is released. Otherwise, your data might be lost during future updates.

DataWiz — the data management tool for researching psychologists

Here's how DataWiz helps you during the whole research process:

Data documentation

DataWiz codebook editor

Years of experience with the research data center PsychData have shown that data management is most effective when it is instated early, preferably concomitant with the research process.

  • Document your studies
  • Add and edit codebooks
  • Upload materials
  • Export in open data formats

Ethics application forms

Coming soon!

Intro text about ethics application forms goes here

  • Write ethics approval applications
  • Get help while doing so